What's the best way to prepare for the Stanford GSB Interview?
The Stanford MBA interview has two main purposes:
To help the admissions committee team learn more about you (30-45min)
To help you learn more about the school (15min)
You will most likely be matched with a friendly GSB Alumni interviewer from your county and industry. Their goal will be to learn more about your past professional experience and to share their impressions with the admissions committee. The interview will be behavioral, meaning that the questions will revolve around your actions and reasoning: What you did, how you did it, and why you chose those actions.
The interview will be conversational and you should expect the interviewer to ask probing questions like: “why did you make this decision?” or “how did you overcome this challenge?”.
Interview Prep
Come ready to tell a few stories about different experiences
Make sure to discuss your actions and reasoning
Make sure to describe the impact of your actions
What did you learn from this experience?
Sample Interview Questions
There could be many different phrasings of questions, but they are most likely to revolve around:
Examples of initiatives or achievements that you’re proud of
Examples of challenges you’ve encountered
Examples of working with a team, or leading a team
Examples of how you influenced others as a leader
The second part of the interview is dedicated to helping you learn more about Stanford GSB. You will be invited by the interviewer to ask any question that you may have for them.
What questions should I ask the interviewer?
Now that the main part of the interview is behind you, enjoy this fun opportunity to get to know someone from the Stanford community. Use this opportunity to emphasize your excitement about the program, your knowledge about it, why you applied, and what you hope to get out of it.
Ask questions that will help you create a personal connection with the interviewer. Questions about their own experience during the program or specific recommendations that they may have for you.
Final Tip
Try to adopt a relaxed, curious approach: Imagine the interviewer as a potential classmate at Stanford and you two are having lunch together, engaging in an interesting intellectual and fun conversation.
For deeper personal preparation for the Stanford GSB interview, mock interview sessions, and feedback, reach out!
Good luck, GSB Coach