We offer top MBA admissions consulting to help warrior candidates apply to the best and most selective MBA program in the world: Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB).
What do you mean by warrior candidates?
You don't have to have the highest GMAT and grades.
But Stanford is your dream, you are determined to get there and willing to work really hard for it. That's the kind of warriors we like to work with.
Why so narrow?
Focus. Expertise. Exceptional results!

Submit resume, background, schedule an introductory video conference
Assessment of candidacy and mutual decision whether it makes sense to proceed -- We work with a select group of applicants and won't continue if we don't think that we're likely to succeed together. Selection isn't based on credentials, but on motivation and willingness to work hard and learn
You will receive detailed proprietary instructions on how to prepare for our first work session
We'll perform an analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, uniqueness, experience and goals
We will discuss GSB criteria and your positioning
We will devise a strategy for your recommendation letters and essay and will iterate on those until we think you are ready
We will prepare you for a successful interview, conduct mock interviews, provide feedback and refine, until we think you are ready to kick ass!
If you don't succeed the first time, we're here for a retrospect analysis. We'll help in your second attempt if needed. We want you to win!