If you have finished your undergraduate degree or are getting close to graduation, you may be thinking about the next step. Perhaps you have been in your career for a few years and want to advance to a higher level. Perhaps you're looking for a complete career change. Going to school to get your MBA can help you achieve your goals. If you want to join the strongest networks and apply for a Stanford MBA or another M7 school, an admissions advisor can help you get there. GSB Coach can work with you to prepare for Stanford and gain a distinct advantage of getting accepted with your application.
Should You Get an MBA?
Investing two years into higher education is a significant investment. You may likely be wondering if such a major undertaking is worth your time. An MBA is worth your time and effort if it helps you achieve your long-term goals. Many careers and employers require a master’s degree rather than just an undergraduate degree.
An MBA often puts you in a higher earning category as well. Employers recognize the extensive effort involved and experience gained and reward it with higher compensation. Getting your MBA now, just a few years after graduation, is often easier than going back to school years down the road. It’s best to think about your future goals as well as your next career move to determine if working towards an MBA is the right choice for you.
Is a Stanford MBA Worth It?
With numerous MBA programs in existence, you may wonder if it is worth the extra effort to apply for a Stanford MBA. Stanford is one of the top universities in the world. Getting an MBA at an elite school like Stanford can open doors for you that you wouldn’t be able to access otherwise.
Along with the actual program, you also benefit from expanding your network and gaining access to new opportunities. Continuing your education with an MBA can broaden your perspective and give you more options for your career.
How GSB Coach Helps With Getting a Stanford MBA
Stanford doesn’t have minimum requirements for GPA or the GMAT. Instead, they look at the overall application. They consider your values, what matters most to you, and how you lead others. GSB Coach can help you prepare for the steps required to be admitted into the Stanford MBA program.
The coach will assess what kind of candidate you are and work only with those who are likely to benefit from coaching and achieve a successful result with their application. You will get an analysis of your strengths and weaknesses as well as what makes you unique. You will have assistance with your letters and essays and get the chance to go through mock interviews. These steps will prepare you for the Stanford process.
If you’re ready to pursue a Stanford MBA, let GSB Coach help you. Contact us to learn more or to take the next step in achieving your dream of an MBA from Stanford. We're here to help you get connected with all of the resources you need and graduate successfully.